Category: Application Deployment

  • ClickOnce Deployment Architecture

    While continuing my research and learning of ClickOnce deployment, I came across a very interesting page that explains Click Once Deployment Architecture. The article describes how a ClickOnce installation is physically installed on a client computer.

    Application Publication

    Each application publication has:

    • A deployment manifest – A deployment manifest is an XML file that describes a ClickOnce deployment, including the identification of the current ClickOnce application version to deploy.
    • An application manifest – An application manifest is an XML file that describes an application that is deployed using ClickOnce.
    • All of the application files for that version.
    The client computer must have the .NET framework 2.0 or later installed in order to do a ClickOnce deployment to that computer. The .NET framework can be deployed in a variety of ways including the ClickOnce Bootstrapper.
